Портал создан при финансовой поддержке Российского гуманитарного научного фонда (РГНФ), проект № 11-04-12014в

Russian Literature: Original Studies


Within the last decades, Russian literature studies are characterized by doubtless achievements, since fundamentally new approaches are used in domestic philology, which was not possible earlier due to the ideological bans. On the other hand, the multiplicity of these approaches does not only allow to describe the subject from different points of view, but often blurs and transforms the subject. This phenomenon needs to be discussed. Poor involvement of the regional centers of Russian literature studies in the general scientific life constitutes a separate problem. Negligible editions of the provincial publications make them a priori uncompetitive on the book market. This ‘centralism’ impossible in genuine historical Russia became firmly established in Soviet time, when ‘the essential’ was decided in the capital, and very often by those, who was not able of independent and deep original investigations. During the post-Soviet years this ‘centralism’ was not overcome, but unfortunately it has even aggravated in several directions. In the genuine Russia, not in its surrogate, a professor after receiving a cathedra (IM – chair) at the Universities of Kharkiv, Kiyiv, Tomsk, Kazan could easily leave the ‘capitals’, because his scientific activity, as well as his and his family’s cultural and everyday life was by no means infringed by this moving. We see a totally different picture during Soviet and post-Soviet decades. We do not wish to tolerate an impossible disbalance in the philological world, when the same ‘centers’, the same names always ‘represent’ both Russian literature and Russian philology in general in the wide humanities world, having generally speaking no grounds for this. We should use the virtual space to overcome the scientific breakup and degradation of our science. In our edition we will first of all represent the original studies of the very various views from the different philological ‘nests’ of our country. The aim of this is to create a common field of Russian literature studies, which would be distant from the party blinkers and group commitment. We invite colleagues for collaboration and fruitful polemics!

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